Friday, 13 January 2017


Another year has come and gone. Before our eyes another 365days has ended. Just as a bride eagerly counts down to her wedding day we have once again just like we did in 2015 counted down to the year 2017. The only unfortunate thing is that we are always very quick to forget the past year, it is unfortunate because the blocks of the New Year are to be built on the lessons of the past year. But we tend to forget the year, we ignore the signs and blindly begin the hustle again without pre acquired instructions from the past year. I know that we aren’t supposed to dwell on the past but the truth is when we dwell on the past right, the future is clearer. We are not dwelling on the past with a heart of regret or discontentment, we remember the past to pick up lessons, we remember to continue a cycle of determination and avoid mistakes made before, we contemplate on what brought us joy, we reflect upon what really counts and remember those ones that enriched our lives.
As the New Year begins, we are another year closer to the end, another step closer to the coming of our king. It is not about the changing dates, or the wishes it brings, the New Year more than a celebration is a reminder of things to come, a fresh opportunity, and a new book in which every day presents a page and a pen. Your actions and lifestyle eventually make the book an interesting or a regrettable read.
In the New Year, many people around the world make promises, resolutions, plans and goals, however, many of the resolutions made by people are rarely fulfilled. Webster defines a resolution as: "a) a resolving, or determining; deciding b) the thing determined upon; decision as to future action; resolve." It is good to make resolutions, the only problem is that people make resolutions without determination, it’s more of a lip service and when our resolutions meet with the work required, we give up and forget the desire to be resolute. Usually, resolutions make people feel good about themselves, they have a sense of responsibility, at least if nothing else happens, they have written out goals for the coming year. However, having a RESOLUTION does not necessarily result in a REVOLUTION if there is no determination. Every resolution has to result in a revolution, Kirk Franklin wrote in his song titled REVOLTUTION:
Millions of people every year make resolutions, yet the rate of crime and ungodliness has increased far beyond reach in this generation. The reason is because many of our resolutions do not produce a revolution (a complete radical change of any kind).
As believers we must know that it doesn’t matter how the years go by, the expectation and mandate of God for His children remain the same - unchanging, unfailing.
2Timothy 2: 19 - Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, Let everyone that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity.
As we usher in the New Year we need to decide what pattern our lives will be taking. Resolutions are good but what is the point of a resolution that does not effect the desired change?
Look back at the past year, what were the gains? What were the losses? Year in year out we must take account and apply our hearts to wisdom. A new year is another fresh page, none like it has existed before. An opportunity to begin again, an opportunity to right the wrong and achieve something in the race of life.
In the year 2016, many were killed, many took their lives by their hands, many couldn’t go on again because the hardship was too much. There is nothing more frustrating than a life without purpose and direction. But you are still standing, despite the hardship, despite all you have been through, the turmoil and heartache you survived, wouldn’t you rather make your existence count? Wouldn’t you rather make the survival worth it?
We must resolve to spend less time talking and more time doing, maybe we spent so much time gossiping and talking in the past year that we forgot to make relevant impact. This year we cannot afford such luxury. There is so much assignment to be done so it is action time. You ask what assignment:
2 – two hands working diligently, two eyes seeing the good in everyone, two ears obeying even isn difficult times, two legs walking in the fulfilment of purpose,
0 – zero tolerance for sin and all unrighteousness
1 – one act of kindness every day of the year
7 – seven days in every week dedicated to a closer walk with God
Take a look at the past year and choose to apply wisdom in this coming year. Make resolutions that result in revolution. Deicide that in 2017you will be part of the agents that God will use to redefine a generation that is fast becoming lost in the pleasures of the world.
Don’t let 2017 go in a rush, don’t be in haste to count down to 2018, do something that 2017 will be grateful to you for. So that by this same time next you can make a clear distinction between where you were January 1 2017 and where you would be January 1, 2018.
By this time next year, would you have experienced a revolution?
I Thessalonians 5:21-22
Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Abstain from all appearance of evil.

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